
Two new members of the survey group in Utrecht
In the last few months, two new members have joined the survey methods group at Utrecht University: dr. Katharine Meitinger will join the group as an assistant professor. She previously worked as a senior research at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. In her new role she will various courses…
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Vera Toepoel elected president of RC33 (logic and Methodology in sociology)
Vera Toepoel has been elected as President of RC33 (Logic and Methodology in Sociology) of the International Sociological Association. The presidency is for four years. In the coming years Vera hopes to produce more content on the newly designed website of RC33 (www.rc33.org). This in order to increase development opportunities in type C countries (e.g….
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Vera Toepoel delivering one-day workshop on smartphones and sensors
PUMA Methods Workshop Vera Toepoel Smartphones: From Surveys to Sensors Date and time: 05.11.2018, 10:00-13:00 Venue: University of Vienna, Department of Government, Rooseveltplatz 3/1, 1090 Vienna, Seminar room Workshop Program/Overview The release of the first IPhone was now more than a decade ago, and smartphones have since become a mainstream device. In many countries,…
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Special issue on non response in Mathematical Population Studies.
Vera Toepoel is guest editor (together with Matthias Schonlau, Waterloo University) for a special issue on non response in Mathematical Population Studies (Volume 24 (2). 2017. open access). Toepoel & Schonlau (editorial). Dealing with nonresponse. Strategies to increase participation and methods for postsurvey adjustments. Mazza & Punzo. Dealing with omitted answers in a survey…
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Out now: Paper on Response Behavior in a Video-Web Survey
Marieke Haan and colleagues published a paper in the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology titled “Response behavior in a video-web survey: A mode comparison study”. You can find the article here: https://doi.org/10.1093/jssam/smw023
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Paper out in the International Journal of Internet Science by Vera Toepoel and Yanniek Hendriks (former bachelor student at UU)
The Impact of Non-Coverage in Web Surveys in a Country with High Internet Penetration: Is It (Still) Useful to Provide Equipment to Non-Internet Households in the Netherlands?
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Vera Toepoel is teaching a mixed-mode workshop in Taiwan on June 27 2017.
Vera Toepoel is teaching a mixed-mode workshop hosted by National Chengchi University and National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan on June 27 2017. Full workshop: 0626 Robert Ackland–Big Data Analysis for Social Scientists 0627 Vera Toepoel–Mixed-mode surveys 0628 Rene Weber–Media Neuroscience 0629 Robert Potter–Psychophysiological measures in social science research
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Annual Meeting of the Dutch Platform for Survey Research
On May 2nd, the annual meeting of the Dutch Platform for Survey Research (NPSO), will take place in Antwerp. The topic of this gathering is: ‘Big Data: exploring, processing, and analyzing”. More information can be found here.
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